tenaculum|tenacula|tenaculums in English


small hook, type of surgical tool

Use "tenaculum|tenacula|tenaculums" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tenaculum|tenacula|tenaculums" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tenaculum|tenacula|tenaculums", or refer to the context using the word "tenaculum|tenacula|tenaculums" in the English Dictionary.

1. (3) The Pocket Case contained: 1 scalpel, 3 Bistouries, 1 tenotome, 1 gum lancet, 2 thumb lancets, 1 razor (small), 1 artery forceps, 1 dressing forceps, 1 artery needle, 6 surgeon's needles, 1 exploring needle, 1 tenaculum, 1 scissors, 1 director, 3 probes, 1 caustic holder, 1 silver catheter (compound), 6 yards suture wire (iron), ¼ oz